
Celebrities and Movie Stars Death Bible Code, Vol. 3 - Their Deaths by Accidents, Murders, Overdoses, and Suicides.

Celebrities and Movie Stars Death Bible Code, Vol. 3 - Their Deaths by Accidents, Murders, Overdoses, and Suicides.

Their Names and These Causes Are Found Torah-Encoded.

von: Steve Canada

4,49 €

Verlag: AuthorHouse UK
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 10.06.2014
ISBN/EAN: 9781496913968
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 112

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Celebrities and movie stars, like everyone else, die from a variety of causes, including diseases (Vol.1 of this book) and cancers (Vol.2 of this book). When we ask if such causes of death are found encoded in the Torah along with the encoded names of who died from them, we find them all close together in one Torah Matrix (from Gen. 1:1 to 1 Samuel 10:17).
For those uninitiated into the Bible Code mystery this might sound outlandish and impossible, but viewing the many Torah Matrices in this book, labeled clearly in black and white as secretly encoded facts staring us in the face might give pause to even the biggest skeptic.
Volume 3 of this book shows the Torah-Bible Code Matrices of celebrities and movie stars deaths by accidents, murders, overdoses, and suicides their names found encoded in the larger Torah, some with the year and location of their death; as another e-book through Author House, in mid-2014.
Fatal accidents found encoded here range from skiing, car crash, drowning, plane crash, and fire. Their murders are also discovered hidden in the secretly encoded word of Yahweh, along with their troubling overdoses of various drugs, and their tragic suicides.
An attempt is made to put the Bible Code mystery in the context of meaning, in the authors Conclusion. Bible Code application and method are explained in the Preface, Introduction, and Addendum 1. In memoriam, two original poems by the author are shown in the Epilogue; his poems have appeared in literary journals in 5 countries over forty years.
Even though there are only about 50 or fewer personalities identified by name in each of these three volumes, and shown encoded with how and where they died, each Volume could be expanded to hold many thousands of names and pages, one name per page of Matrix revealing those Torah-held secrets hidden for about 3400 years, and revealed here to the world for the first time in recorded history.

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