
Kenneth L. Warner

The Secret
of the Island


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1. Auflage1 Version 1 | 2020

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© Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Rotebühlstr. 77, 70178 Stuttgart, 1966.


Redaktion: Don Haupt

eISBN 978-3-12-909071-8


A Boat to the Island

Jim and Sally are Missing

Night on the Island

The Search


The Coastguards are Coming


Map of Sandy Bay



A Boat to the Island

Jim and Sally Baker are on holiday with their parents at Sandy Bay, a little village by the sea. They are living in a small holiday bungalow.

Jim and Sally are very happy at Sandy Bay. There are cliffs and rocks and a fine little sandy beach. About two miles from the beach there is a small island covered with bushes and trees.

Jim and Sally are good swimmers, and they spend most of their time on the beach. Sometimes an old fisherman called Martin lends them his rowing boat and they row along the cliffs and explore the caves.

One day, after lunch, Mrs. Baker says, “I can’t go to the beach with you this afternoon. I have a bad headache.’’


“Too much sun,” says Mr. Baker. “Lie down for an hour. Jim and Sally can go to the beach by themselves. Off you go, you two,” he says to Jim and Sally. “Here are forty pence for ice cream. Don’t be late for supper.”

On their way to the beach Jim and Sally see old Martin. He is sitting in front of his little house and smoking his pipe.

“Hallo, Martin,” says Jim. “Can we take the boat this afternoon? Mummy and Daddy are staying at home today.”

“All right,” says old Martin, “But be back by six o’clock. I need the boat this evening.”

“Thank you, Martin.” Jim and Sally go on to the beach. They find Martin’s boat and push it down to the water.

“Let’s row along the cliffs again and explore the caves,” says Sally. “No,” says Jim. “Let’s do something else today. I know – let’s row out to the island.”