Suzann Dodd

Lunar Colony 3

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80331 Munich

The Beginning

Most of what think you know about Lunar Colony Three is a lie. I can say this with the boldness of having been there. Not a dissenter, who for validation paints a portrait with dark colours, but a component of the Movement.


A component, who held minor positions in the Liberation Movement, the Luna Liberation Party, and finally the Government.


Yes, I was one of them.


And now I am one of the fifty who volunteered for the mission to 'New Earth', four light years away. By the time you read this I will be dead or beyond sanction.


Let me begin with a taste of history, I won't dwell on it, you've studied it at school. You know that citizens of LC 1 and LC 2 participated in creating LC 3.


We had the experience of creation, development and importantly, residence. We were not explorers but average people who had gone to the moon as settlers wanting a better life.


The Thalia crater, as we came to call it, was on that line between light and darkness. It was just under a kilometer in diameter and just over one hundred and thirty meters deep.


We had eight tunnel diggers then, taken from LC 1 and LC 2, and went into the crater with exuberance.